Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wow so much has changed since the last time I have been on here and not all of the changes are for the good but one thing since 2010 has changed my life for the good and I took a chance and did something that I said and vowed that I would never do I moved back home to Oklahoma City and boy I am kinda glad I did because I meet a very kind loving sweet person and her name is Alisha shes very good to me and man has she turned my life around but in a good why that's the good news the bad news is that I will never get to see my daughter again thanks to my ex and I am happy to say that I hope she hates you for keeping her away from me... I know that's a bad thing to say but right now I am hurt shoot I have been hurt since the first day you took her outta my life but I know that she remembers me and no matter how much time goes by I will never forget her I love my daughter to much for that. But more to come later and don't worry I will keep you guys updated on my life because believe me it is very interesting hahahaha!